Tom with broody hen question


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 18, 2009
North Manchester, IN
I have a male and female bourbon red turkeys in the same pen. The hen has begun to lay eggs and I was wondering if anyone could tell me if when the hen goes broody will the Tom leave her alone and when eggs hatch will he leave poults alone. Basically can I leave tom in pen through this process. Thank you
If your hen is laying out in the open then you will need to remove the gobbler. If her nest is in a protected area where he can't try to mount her then you can leave him with her. You would be wise to remove him before she hatches her poults. A gobbler is very capable of doing serious damage to little ones.
Hen has eggs in a nest box so he can't get in there to mount her. So you think the tom might get aggressive with poults? He is very friendly. Has anyone experienced this?

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