Tomato garden

Anita Scott

6 Years
May 21, 2017
Thornfield, MO
I have a beautiful tomato garden. I had a fence around it, then added chicken wire around the outside to keep my turkeys out. I left one side open so they could access treats occasionally.
They have started flying up on the boards about 8 feet high and watch while one turkey flies down and picks the tomatoes.
We are going to add a string or two above the boards to help keep them out. Does anyone have any idea as to how high off of the board to put the string?


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You might be better off clipping your turkeys wings. They sure are good at getting up on stuff, and can be hard to confine, or keep out of areas once they get an idea in their heads.
We already clipped one side on each bird. They free range and we already lost Pretty Girl, a Narragansett-Bronze cross. We considered clipping the other side, but decided not to do it, due to safety issues.

We got the string up today and will see how that goes. My cantaloupe has chicken wire all around, even on top. I used Hog rings to attach the top and it is easy to access the cantaloupe.
I have to double clip mine to keep them grounded. It does potentially put them at a disadvantage, but it depends on your circumstances. Hopefully the string works. I'd like to hear how it goes. :)

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