Tomato paste


Free Ranging
15 Years
Mar 19, 2009
I have never used tomato paste much. I will soon be making some sweet and sour ribs in the crock pot. Among other things the recipe calls for 1/4 cup tomato paste. The can I have contains 1/2 cup. What would happen if I put the whole 1/2 cup in, or would I be better off to just freeze the excess?
You could double the recipe and freeze half the sauce. I've done that.
In this case I can't double the ingredients. Besides, if I did it wouldn't all fit in the crockpot. My choice is to either use the whole 4 oz can of tomato paste or freeze half of it. I was wondering what would happen to the flavor if I used twice as much tomato paste as was called for. Right now I am tending toward freezing half of it. I do have a selection of small jars.

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