
My white silkies are regularly red and orange from the tomatoes. The Sussex are not happy that the garden is going down. They were spoiled with all the tomatoes and squash.
Oh my gosh do they LOVE tomato worms! We give the tomato trimmings to our chickens all the time...and keep them away from the tomato bushes (they will eat the fruit as soon as it is ripe enough to get their beak into!)!
What about giving tomatoes to my 3 week old chicks? I have lots of the large cherry tomatoes that are about as big around as a silver dollar.
I didnt get many tomatoes at all this year, but the chickens sure did.
They ate them green, partial ripe, and ripe. They ate cherry tomatoes, and the large varities as well. They weren't choosy at all.
Someone told me that I could let my chickens just "have at" my garden and they would completely debug the garden but wont touch the vegetables...someone else told that they will ravage the garden quickly of EVERYTHING. What is your experience with this? If I taken them (5 Buff Orpingtons) in the garden with me will they get after the bugs first and then after a while Ill just escort the girls out, saving the plants from thier destruction...or is chicken+vegetable garden just a bad idea (as far as the harvest is concerned)?
We had to put a fence up on out tomatoes because my silkies were eating them all. Those cherry tomatoes are yummy, and the hens think so too...

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