

In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 8, 2009
I'm wondering if anyone can tell from these pics (I'll work on getting more) if they look like Toms or Hens. We're hoping for toms, but hens would work too. If they are hens, what are the possibilities? Eggs at what age? Crossbreed with? They are BB Bronze. One has a much redder head than the other. Oh, and they are 14 weeks old.



Thankx. I was thinking at least one tom. His snood is getting quite long, but the other's snood is still only 1/2 inch long or so. But they both puff up and strut, for 10 mins at a time sometimes. No gobbles yet tho.
I'm a turkey newbie, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to get some reassurance! Thank you!
They are bronze, they apear to be toms, cant see the breast feather well though?
If they are solid black, they are toms, if they are laced in buff/white they are hens, look at that and you'll know.
They should reproduce their first year, though it's hard to breed bb's due to their huge size.
I would breed them true if I were you, back to bronze, but they will cross to any turkey

By the way, hens will strut too, just not for long periods of time!
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