tons of grasshoppers


11 Years
Jul 19, 2008
deming new mexico
man this year the desert southwest has had a pretty great year for rain"strange hmmmmm" but anyway it has caused a plague of big huge fat desert grasshoppers everywhere and i do mean everywhere when i took the kids to play on our lawn the other day the lawn was crawling. so instead the kids spent 3 hours catching them we didnt even make a dent. the roads are plastered with them down here they are everywhere they are so big they can barely hop and have lil bitty wings and cant fly. so ill njust say this my freerange chickens are having the feast of their lives but man are they getting annoying its kinda gross seeing them covering the walls outside and such ewww hahahaha. is this happening anywhere else?
There is a totally awesome account of a plague of locust in the second Little House books. Laura describes the sound of all the mouths eating everything green.

In the years that I teach math, I read that section and describe the hatching patterns of the 7 and 9 year locuts and I use it to describe how locusts that come every 7 years coincide with the locusts that hatch every 9 years to make swarms become plagues.

BTW, the 7, 9 - made up for the example - the intervals are actually different.

And, fyi, the description grosses out most of my city raised 6th graders. But they remember the ideas, LOL.
I wish you could pipe 'em over here. I had a cricket problem in my feed room, until I brought home two six week old guineas. The stayed in the feed room for about a week. Today I actually went to a bait shop and bought crickets for them.
this may sound gross and just plain dumb..but..could you catch them..and somehow freeze them..and give as treats in winter..
.just an
man there been so many theyd probably flow through a pipe wow theres so many i think all of my hens have grown a ppound in the last few days hahaha and i have alotta hens. maybe this will help the younger ones lay hmmmm.
wow thats one way to teach them hahaha

Forgot to add, the math concept is LCM. We have to figure out when the next "plague" years will be. And we recomend that the Ingalls family be in anther state by such and such a year.

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