TONS of Rust colored Diarrhea ?


Whispers Loudly
10 Years
Mar 7, 2009
Lincoln, Nebraska
I have been having ALOT of rust colored diarrhea in the coop run lately...
It has been coming from the 2 month old chicks, and I dont know what to do.

What causes this?

I am treating them for a suspected case of cocci, but havent seen any blood in the stools, just runny rust colored droppings.

What should I do?!

Is it just cocci showing itself, or is it something else?

They arent really showing any other symptoms, besides maybe grouping together.

UGGHHH.... I just had 6 of them die late yesterday evening (from a dog), and now this....
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It looks exactly like that except it has no solid in it... just that rust colored stuff.

Almost all the manure looks like that, so I dont know if it is Ceacal..

Thanks for the replies so far,
last summer it seemed to come on when they were hot, I noticed some today and it has been over 80 the last 2 days and Ive seen them sitting in front of the fan panting.

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