Too Green? Too Cheap? Too Old?


Crossing the Road
5 Years
Mar 29, 2019
Northern Minnesota
My Coop
My Coop
The other day I went to our local recycling/garbage disposal center. While waiting in line with my pickup, I watched the guy in front of me unload a bunch of plastic bins and storage containers, lids, and buckets. All appeared to be almost brand new and in great condition. Anyway, he threw them all in the trash compactor and hit the smash button. I could not help but to think of the waste I witnessed. Lots of people could have used those plastic storage bins/containers and maybe even paid a little bit for them. Or, he could have dropped them off at a local charity organization where they either sell those items or give them away for free.

:old The older I get, the less I throw out. I don't know if this is due to my age, or being too cheap, or just wanting to be more green in my life. For example, I got into raising chickens for a number of reasons, but among them was to create an ecosystem where Dear Wife and I feed most of our kitchen scraps and waste to the chickens. I shred almost all paper and light cardboard that we get in the mail and/or packaging of items we buy. Just those simple changes in our life have reduced the amount of material we send to the landfill. Add to that, we recycle our metal cans, glass and plastics. All said, we have reduced our "household" garbage from 2-3 trash bags per week to 1-2 bags per month.

I try to live up to the ideal of the 3 R's - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. In the recent years, I have added a fourth R to the list - Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle. I think we should encourage more Repurposing of items, if possible. For example, when the swing set swing broke, I had to buy a new one. I was able to Repurpose the chains to hang my brooder heat lamps from the ceiling. I kept the rubber swing seat to use the material to make cheap, flexible, hinges. I kept a blown out inner tube from a bike to make a strip of rubber to wrap around round objects as a clamp. Kind of like wrapping an Ace bandage around your ankle or leg, for example. I could go on, but I think you get the idea.

Dear Wife practices only the Recycle portion of my 4 R's. I don't quite understand her, but, I live with it.

On the other hand, I have accumulated maybe "too much" stuff in my garage for reusing/repurposing. Do you need some packing filler? - yeah, I got that. Do you need some plastic for a project? - yeah, I got old storage bin tops that are broken. Need a pop bottle funnel? - yeah, I got a number of empty plastic 2 liter pop bottles ready to cut up. Et cetera.....

I might be "too cheap" for my own good, and I could just throw away most of my accumulated stuff in the garage and buy a new "whatever" if/when I needed. I have enough money so that is not my concern. But I just get a better feeling knowing that I was able to reuse or repurpose something that otherwise would have just ended up in a landfill.

Thanks for letting me ramble a little bit. If anyone has thoughts on this subject, I'd like to hear your thoughts. Take care.
:old The older I get, the less I throw out. I don't know if this is due to my age, or being too cheap, or just wanting to be more green in my life. :thumbsup
I think I found my long lost clone.:frow Take the 23 and me DNA diagnostic, and I will pop up as 100% match.
I also REPURPOSE. There is a thread that shows some of mine, as well as many other peeps' ideas. Would have to search it out, since thread not very active recently. Ask and I will post link.
I also have plenty of STUFF, around and do offer it to peeps that need it. (free) DW also regularly donates items to Amvets. Things that the ofsprings left behind since they moved on with their lives, and no longer need.
I also list things on Craig's List for free. Those are items that are generally larger, and still usable. I choose to go the extra effort VS simply throwing away. Every item I listed FREE was accepted by first respondent. I would not list something free, if it was no longer any good. We have trash pickup weekly curbside, in the Metro Area. My recycling bin is usually filled higher than our garbage bin.

I would like to see other peeps REPURPOSE IDEAS. Always looking for something new.
I found this one quickly, so here it is. Plastic last a long time.:thumbsup


WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:highfive:
I also REPURPOSE. There is a thread that shows some of mine, as well as many other peeps' ideas. Would have to search it out, since thread not very active recently. Ask and I will post link.

I would be interested in reading that repurposing thread. I'll do a search myself, but if you have a link that would be great.

I am always looking for ways to repurpose the household items we use. I save the small plastic jars/containers and use them to hold screws and such. I prefer to reuse plastic containers because they don't shatter if dropped in the garage or on the worksite.

I have a couple large Walmart glass bulk pickle jars I saved that I would like to reuse/repurpose, but have not come up with any great ideas. These are the large 1 gallon bulk jars of pickles and it seems to me that the glass jar must have a second life in it.


Because of their size, I really need to find a second life for the empty pickle jars or they will get sent to the recycling center. I also have the same sized jars in plastic. I think they came filled with popcorn or caramel corn. I just cleaned up the garage a bit this week and found I have 3 of those large empty plastic jars taking up room out there. They have just been too good to throw away, but not much use to me sitting empty taking up room on the shelf.....
I think the same way. What a satisfying feeling when I can recycle/repurpose something forgotten in a corner. I think even used items are happy to be useful again...😁😄😀

Well yes. Unfortunately for me, Dear Wife is good at recycling, but does not to think about any repurposing of items. So, I often am digging through our recycle bin and pulling out items that I think I can use in the garage or elsewhere.

For example, I have told my wife countless times that I can shred all newspapers and light cardboard (like cereal boxes) and throw the shreds out in the chicken coop/run/compost pile, but she automatically just throws everything into the recycle bin at home. She gets great pleasure in throwing things out, but I get great pleasure in turning that junk paper into compost.....
I do my best to reduce, reuse and recycle. One way that I am recently trying to reduce is to purchase soaps and shampoos that are in bar form, thus avoiding the plastic bottles of shampoos and body soap.

We wash out our ziplock bags and reuse them until they nearly fall apart. We live in a house that has too much storage and we take full advantage, never throwing anything away. We often find ways to re-purpose our old things.

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