Too many in incubator?

So what is going to be the best way to move them to the brooder ? I have the incubator in the house and the brooder outside.
Well if you think about it, hatcheries take them out of the incubator and drop them in a shipping box and ship them across the country and it could be up to three days before they are in a brooder. If you move several chicks at once in a small box like a shoe box so they can huddle up against each other for warmth they will be fine going into the backyard, across town, or even through the mail. (In an approved chick shipping box of course.)
These chicks were delivered across town in an Amazon box.
Your not wrong, what you dont know is that is -3C 26.6F and snowing. Got about 3 inch so far. We did get them out before the snow and the temp is holding in the brooder. We normally keep them in the house. I not having the mess this year. Lots of people do keep them in buildings out of the house here. Its our 1st time and the 1st time incubating. We are learning and the last thing we want is to kill the chicks.
Oh, wow, yep! My answer was flavored by the weather in my neck of the woods. I just re-read your posts, I have absolutely no experience dealing with the kind of cold y'all get in Northern Canada.
Cold and snow is all good when you know how to deal with it. Some days it creates a challenge. Its been a cool spring here, and a dry winter. We needed it. Just not last night, but that how it works.
I am sure its been asked, but I will do it again. We have our 1st incubator. It holds 42. We are down to 31. 1st one hatched last night at 1 am. I have 11 almost 12 right now. Its chaotic in the incubator. Chicks crashing eggs, chicks stepping on new borns. I am worried about the chicks. I know I should not open it. I need to let them dry. I really want to set up the heat lamp and a warm spot and start pulling the older ones. I am worried about them getting hurt or the ones not hatched yet having problems.

What do I do?
I feel like I was facing the same issue. 10 of my 31 (I originally set 42/6 not fertile/5 quit early) eggs didn’t hatch and I feel like it had to do with all of the hatched ducklings trampling over the eggs. The 10 were alive and well the day that hatching began.

I eventually opened the incubator and removed egg shells and ducklings but that could have caused some shrink wrapping. I had to assist one due to that. I should have inspected the dead unhatched ducklings. I still ended up with 21 but it would have been nicer if I would have had more hatch.

Definitely utilizing a brooder earlier next time! Just need to figure out how to salvage the humidity levels. I even turned on the shower and steamed up the bathroom🤷🏻‍♀️


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I feel like I was facing the same issue. 10 of my 31 (I originally set 42/6 not fertile/5 quit early) eggs didn’t hatch and I feel like it had to do with all of the hatched ducklings trampling over the eggs. The 10 were alive and well the day that hatching began.

I eventually opened the incubator and removed egg shells and ducklings but that could have caused some shrink wrapping. I had to assist one due to that. I should have inspected the dead unhatched ducklings. I still ended up with 21 but it would have been nicer if I would have had more hatch.

Definitely utilizing a brooder earlier next time! Just need to figure out how to salvage the humidity levels. I even turned on the shower and steamed up the bathroom🤷🏻‍♀️
I not sure why, but our humidly is super high. Maybe the snow? We ran a few out to the brooder this morning. I have 5 left in the incubator and 6 eggs. All have pips.
We got the brooder up to heat, put them in a shoe box and ran for it. They are all happy and cozy in the brooder. I will take a few out later and again before work tomorrow. 9 in the brooder, 5 in the incubator 17 eggs left. Thank you everyone for your help. I though you could not move them till they are dry and been in there for a day or so.

You're very welcome! I'm glad we could help.
Definitely utilizing a brooder earlier next time! Just need to figure out how to salvage the humidity levels. I even turned on the shower and steamed up the bathroom🤷🏻‍♀️

What kind of incubator do you have? And are you utilizing the sponge trick?
I not sure why, but our humidly is super high. Maybe the snow? We ran a few out to the brooder this morning. I have 5 left in the incubator and 6 eggs. All have pips.
Possibly with the snow. I’m in Florida so dry hatching is doable bc humidity is so ridiculous. Just want to be careful during hatch time so I add water on hatch day and keep the bathroom steamed if I need to open the incubator.

It sounds like you’re having a good hatch😄
Possibly with the snow. I’m in Florida so dry hatching is doable bc humidity is so ridiculous. Just want to be careful during hatch time so I add water on hatch day and keep the bathroom steamed if I need to open the incubator.

It sounds like you’re having a good hatch😄
We have not lost one yet. I now have 6 in the incubator and 5 to hatch. 31 eggs at lock down. Its day 22. Its our 1st time! I am so proud of us. lol
Not sure if anyone is interested, but all are hatched. Kinda. We lost one that did not zipper. Not sure when it passed. One that is having a hard time walking. We are going to leave the last 3 with food and water in the incubator to see if it improves. It has been doing better since I removed the other chicks. 30 may be 29 is not bad for our 1st time.

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