Too many predators!!!

Lifetime chicken lover

11 Years
Jun 26, 2009
Rogers, MN
Yesterday, I lost my first chicken of THIS year while they were free-ranging (probably to a hawk). Today, I have my chickens in lock-down in their coop and run, which is very safe. As I was walking around the house, I looked out at the coop and a very brazen red fox was lurking around the coop. I immediately let my dog outside, but the fox was already gone. I went outside to see if anyone was hurt and a huge hawk came flying right over my head!! I really want my chickens to enjoy free-ranging, but I can't stand that there are so many predators!!!! What can I do?! I am home all day, but mostly am busy with my kids or cleaning and picking up the house. Do I really have to resort to only letting my chickens out while 100% supervised?! I love the nature of the country, but I'm starting to really hate all of the critters getting my birds!!!!!
Sorry, just needed to vent!
I have thought of this when we get our farm. My answer a very large run and only allow free range time with me out there to watch. To many predators that want a free chicken meal.
Karate lessons for chicks. A little hand to hand combat training will go along way.
Sorry couldn't resist. Keep vigilant and Shoot straight.
I'm not as concerned about hawks as I once was. First, I only let my girls run about the yard while I'm there, or gone for just a short time. We have had encounters with hawks flying overhead and sitting in trees.

The chickens seem to be very aware of what is going on overhead. If I move my hand above them and cast a shadow, they react to it. I've seen them react the same when when an airplane, crow, and even a blue jay flies overhead.

When the hawks have been around, the chickens are quick to take cover under the coop, or low branched spruce, or anything else they can get underneath.

I have also noticed the hawks tactics. They glide in circle high above. When they notice something of interest, they lower their elevation. My chickens have always picked the hawk up before it was too low. Now, I'm saying hawks aren't a threat, but my crazy chickens have figured out how to protect themselves, at least so far. The hardest part is getting them to come out from whatever they are hiding under.
I let mine free range. I leave the dog out when i'm in the house for too long. Eventually they move on but another one will come in it's place.
Giddymoon,i'm a little confused here, so as to understand the rules of the road here better, who was trolling or flaming in this thread...? I did'nt see anything like that at me, please....
I thought this too, once upon a time. But due to the late arrival of spring in MN, the trees aren't offering enough cover. I've also observed my chickens giving a warning call and taking cover when a large bird of prey passes, but I think right now there was just nowhere to hide...poor girl.
I think I'll keep my birds in their coop for another week or so, when the weather warms up and there's more cover.
Can you believe we still have 35 degree weather HIGHS here?!

I think my next move might be to build a really big tractor that I can move around the yard, that'll keep my mind at ease...if only there weren't 10 other backyard projects on my list.

I wish I had the heart to shoot the predators- I just can't bring myself to take out another living creature.
Thanks all for the support and encouragement! I love BYC forum- you are the only people out there that understand my love of my birds!

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