Too many Roos ?

Like I have said twice now, they do not have to be together. It is not that much work to separate them. People are willing to put effort into separating chickens by breed or for breeding reasons, so why is to let males live not a good enough reason? I do not see how any male has to die. If you think there are too many boys for your hens, keep them separated. If you have a larger property, like acres, put them on opposite ends to free range. If your property is smaller, do rotational free range. Boys are beautiful and interesting. The fact that they do not make eggs does not make the worthless.
Like I have said twice now, they do not have to be together. It is not that much work to separate them. People are willing to put effort into separating chickens by breed or for breeding reasons, so why is to let males live not a good enough reason? I do not see how any male has to die. If you think there are too many boys for your hens, keep them separated. If you have a larger property, like acres, put them on opposite ends to free range. If your property is smaller, do rotational free range. Boys are beautiful and interesting. The fact that they do not make eggs does not make the worthless.
Most folks don't have that much land or aren't allowed roosters (the OP here).

Plus I can't afford to feed any other pets except my dog,
so instead of spending money on feeding roosters, they feed me. :D
I find that very useful and worthy.
Like I have said twice now, they do not have to be together. It is not that much work to separate them. People are willing to put effort into separating chickens by breed or for breeding reasons, so why is to let males live not a good enough reason? I do not see how any male has to die. If you think there are too many boys for your hens, keep them separated. If you have a larger property, like acres, put them on opposite ends to free range. If your property is smaller, do rotational free range. Boys are beautiful and interesting. The fact that they do not make eggs does not make the worthless.
All this is moot because the OP is not allowed to have roosters. There is nothing to discuss there, the OP will have to find some solution for them.

Roosters are indeed beautiful and interesting. I breed Faverolles and the contrast between the males and females is striking. However it is not practical for me to keep every cockerel I hatch. They are certainly not worthless, they feed my family. Ad I know they were well taken care of.
Most folks don't have that much land or aren't allowed roosters (the OP here).

Plus I can't afford to feed any other pets except my dog,
so instead of spending money on feeding roosters, they feed me. :D
I find that very useful and worthy.

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Also, consideration needs to be given to the fact that in violating the ordinances regarding being allowed to have poultry within a jurisdiction can, in the long-run, put the allowance in danger all together. So one person's desire to not to part with that unallowed bird could result in everyone losing the right to have poultry. Every violation is one more thing that can be put in the arsenal of those opposed to the presence of poultry in their jurisdiction and will be brought out when they move to have those ordinances changed.
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Thank you to all who replied .. We are attached to all the chickens as pets and don't eat our pets .. We were raising for eggs only and not for breeding. I was promised 99.9% that all were hens.. As you can see that does not happen often as I am learning many hatcheries put the Roos in as no one really wants them .. The sad thing is, I am fine with it aside from the obvious reasons.
They are kind so far and not aggressive to me or the hens.. I will get another crate but they live happily together, so far in the coop at night and the yard all day.. I am on 1/3 of an acre.. Not a whole lot of land but enough that they are free to roam around and keep busy..
I do believe in the circle of life but not in my backyard..
I thought I was stronger until we all become so attached to these wonderful animals.
I also now understand about the town jurisdiction and see how that could affects others..
I am not looking to make waves with anyone just want to keep our pets and of course everyone safe.. I have plan B if that does not work for me. I found a few families that will keep and raise them, love them, and NOT eat them if all else fails.
Just for the record, I stopped eating chicken close to 11 weeks now and it was my main source of protein. I guess I lost the taste for it now that I am a chicken mama and not just a chicken keeper :)
Thanks you again for everyone's input .. As ways it is very valued..
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Thank you to all who replied .. We are attached to all the chickens as pets and don't eat our pets .. We were raising for eggs only and not for breeding. I was promised 99.9% that all were hens.. As you can see that does not happen often as I am learning many hatcheries put the Roos in as no one really wants them .. The sad thing is, I am fine with it aside from the obvious reasons.
They are kind so far and not aggressive to me or the hens.. I will get another crate but they live happily together, so far in the coop at night and the yard all day.. I am on 1/3 of an acre.. Not a whole lot of land but enough that they are free to roam around and keep busy..
I do believe in the circle of life but not in my backyard..
I thought I was stronger until we all become so attached to these wonderful animals.
I also now understand about the town jurisdiction and see how that could affects others..
I am not looking to make waves with anyone just want to keep our pets and of course everyone safe.. I have plan B if that does not work for me. I found a few families that will keep and raise them, love them, and NOT eat them if all else fails.
Just for the record, I stopped eating chicken close to 11 weeks now and it was my main source of protein. I guess I lost the taste for it now that I am a chicken mama and not just a chicken keeper

Thanks you again for everyone's input .. As ways it is very valued..
It is okay if you do not want to. Not killing them does not mean you are weak at all. I feel much better around my birds knowing I do not eat chickens.

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