Too many Roosters...

Welcome. Every flock needs a rooster. They are awesome. They protect, keep order, organized, etc...basically make your job a lot easier. Hens are easy. Easy is always without much in return. Roosters are complex and have a specific role they play; and roosters have the capability to be your best friend. I don't agree with getting rid of both. They are not aggressive, they are just finding their way.
Hello and Welcome to BYC! Glad that you joined our community. Try then to keep just one and one in a solitary confinement coop of his own for a little while. At least until you can rehome him. If the girls like the other rooster keep him. If not maybe dumplings are in order. Unless you need a protective rooster free ranging or are wanting to hatch eggs you don't need a rooster to keep hens happy. I love good roosters and eat the bad ones. If one of your girls goes broody and you want to let her be a mama then you can often buy local hatching eggs. From what I have read and been taught disease does not transmit through eggs that hatch.
I agree eat em ....if you are unable 2 sell them. I watched a cpl of my roosters kill some chicks i released to free range . Realized I had 2 many roosters and ordered a plucker online...

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