Too motherly?


Apr 1, 2021
I have 2 bantam Cochin hens (babies) that I hatched. One just turned 21 weeks the other is 19 weeks. The rooster keeps mating with them but they haven't even started laying yet. I think they are too young for him to mate with. Is it Okay? Boy do they scream.
Generally, he (if he is a good rooster) will not find them attractive until they have reddened up quite a bit. Usually two weeks later - they start laying.

If they scream - I think I would re-evaluate the whole flock and the coop/run set up. There should be a lot of hideouts, roosts, clutter in the run that lets birds get away from each other. I like peace in my flock.

Mrs K
I'd say that's a good sign the pullets are close to laying, especially if he's left them alone until recently.
The screaming is not unusual, as long as he is not chasing them down unmercilessly, leave them to sort it out.

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