Took My house chicken to the beach with us. She Loved it!

This made me 1) miss Portland and trips to Cannon Beach and 2) want my own little salmon fav even more!

That shot of her looking out at the water while you stand next to her is gorgeous and so touching. Chicken/photographic poetry.
Thanks so much everyone! It's good to hear the encouragement!!!! All of my coworkers and friends call me chicken lady... lol I jsut love them so much. People don't undersand what smart, social creatures they are... and I get breakfast every singe day! :) For whoever asked, yes the cat is a bengal, I have two and they are the smartest, most amazing cats I've ever met in my life! The one in the picture plays fetch with crinkled up pieces of paper for HOURS at a time... which get exhausting. But now little Bumble and her play together, bumble tosses the ball with her beak, then kitty chases it, then bumble chases her.... it's kind of ridiculous!!! :)
Haha that sounds hilarious! you should video it and post it! I love bengals they are beautiful! just a little too active for me, but I'm used to the ragdoll breed (they pretty much do nothing all day long lol)
How cute! I love your bengal too, I have devon rex over here and I think *they* are the most awesome creatures ever made.

I would love to add a little bantam hen to my flock but I'm afraid that my standards would be mean, so I just stick with the 3 I've got.

Your pictures are so adorable.
You definitely need to get a video of that!
x2 I'd love to see that!

I took one of my house chickens to the beach once. He was so scared of the waves crashing, I had to carry him and sit with him on my lap. But it was a fun experience, combining two of my favourite things: the sea and chickens.

Thank you for sharing you lovely photo's and story.
I have taken a little black 1 week old lamb to the beach, we passed some Japanese tourist and they were very suprised to see this little lamb, then became really confused because we called our little lamb "Possum" :lol:

I love your photos of your little chicken on the beach, they truly love our companionship don't they.

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