Tooshtoosh Has Brought His Chicks



10 Years
Nov 9, 2013
For those of you who don't know:

'Planet Rothschildi' is a wild-emu-observation project now in its thirteenth year. But we thought that the thread was broken because the only male known to us -- 'Tooshtoosh' -- was somewhere in the bush. But today he showed up with his first ever clutch: five chicks. (We know that because we've observed him since he came here with Eric five years ago.)
Well, more than that, Hannah. Emus have a lifetime 'memory map.' And this bird grew up here. So, although he will eventually take his clutch to show them other places on his map (which becomes their map), he may stay here for some months -- plum season begins soon.
I’m now assuming they freaking LOVE plums!? I know I do.

We don’t really have Emus over here in the UK, certainly not wild, but we don’t really have many in captivity or on reserves either. It’s a shame, most of us know little about them as a result. But I suppose it’s great that we have no real need to provide rescue facilities for them so that’s good.

They’re beautiful creatures!
' I’m now assuming they freaking LOVE plums!?'

The gig here, Hannah, is that it's not the house/me. It's the house-clearing. For example, the old sheep-loading ramp was saturated with sheep poop back in the day. The grass grows lush. Wild emus sneak out of the trees to graze.

And there are a dozen trees left from the orchard: plums, figs, apricots, grapes. So, emus love most fruit, fresh or dried.

Thus, the house-clearing is a hotly-contested emu domain, and Eric's family, whom I observe, have held sway for a dozen years.

Here is Eric Plus on 'Plum Patrol.' The parrots drop dozens of plums each day, and dad and his chicks stand or sit patiently beneath
Their age and their feasts are correlated. Check them in the Plum Patrol photo -- they got no toosh feathers. 'Cause plums are 'early.' Check them on Fig Patrol. It's autumn. Their bodies are working frantically to get them some 'coverage' for winter -- including some toosh feathers.

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