Top Tips for New Chicks

Some chicken are bolder and more interested in people than others; there are breed differences, and individuals will differ too. Bringing treats and just spending time sitting around helps. Speckled Sussex hens have been my most interactive birds, love them! The SS roosters I've had weren't always nice; too bold! Mary
I'm wondering, how do u make ur chickens nice enough to come to u. With all of my chickens I spend time with them when they're chicks but they still don't love me

The way to a chick's heart is through its stomach. Read some of the posts on here about what treats are good and try some. If they are not free ranging, pulling grass and clover for them makes quite a difference. There are breed and individual differences. We have a turkey hen that comes running to meet any person and talks non-stop until you give her grass. She strongly prefers to eat out of my hand, abandoning a pile of juicy clover to follow me and see if I will hold some for her to eat. Neither of her sisters will do this, they like the treats, but approach with caution.

Fav treats this time of year:
corn on the cob, after you've eaten all you can, they will pick out all the little bits
watermelon rinds, any kind of melon, really
tomatoes - give them the pieces you cut out, never throw those away

Those will go a long way to making them friendly.
I feed my chickens all kinds of treats but normally just leave it for them... I will try feeding it to them by hand. Do chickens like to be touched in anyway? Thx Soupy ; )
Finding the "search" bar on this forum has proven THE best trick! I have searched EVERYTHING I have had a question about, and invariably, other first-time chicken owners like us have asked!
I was even thinking of asking if it's normal for 2-week old baby chicks to "sunbathe"--literally, sprawl out on their side with one wing and leg fully extended...when I decided to search it on here. TONS of people have asked and posted pics (and the consensus is that it's darn cute and totally normal!).

Other things that were helpful to me in the first two weeks (27 chicks turned 2 weeks today, my other 16 turn two weeks tomorrow!)

--I put XL puppy pads OVER my nice, fresh pine shavings for the first 5 days or so. Kept in place with duct tape. Changed every morning. Thought it was a good system. Then, around day 6, once the chicks were 100% good on their food, I took them out and just let them chill on the wood shavings.
--going to continue to use the "Chicken Gatorade" (Save-A-Chick at TSL or Quik Chik at McMurray). The chicks seem to be thriving, so I'll continue with it!
--I like having a "secondary brooder" for when I'm changing out and cleaning the primary brooder. For us that's a huge kiddie pool with shavings. They LOVE scratching so much more in the kiddie pool--nice change of scenery.
--COVER THE BROODER! Those little suckers were trying to "fly the coop" at 5-6 days old! No joke! We have an old screen or two over our brooders at all times
--I just made up a safe 4'X4' outdoor mini-run for the chicks yesterday. They are LOVING it! As long as it's nice out, they seem to really enjoy the outdoors thoroughly. Again, change of scenery, more holding by me, and they get to do chicken things (like roll in dirt, scratch for whatever, run around, and even sunbathe!)
--try to come up with a system of little roosting poles in the brooder. My brooder is the two halves of a huge dog crate, and we ran 1"x2" tomato stakes through the vents at one end about 4" off the ground. They have LOVED them and about 1/2 my chicks sleep there each night. Too cute.
--elevate feeders and waterers just a little bit (I'm using Trex samples). Keeps the wood shavings out of the water especially.

Good luck! I'm having a blast!!
I'm wondering, how do u make ur chickens nice enough to come to u. With all of my chickens I spend time with them when they're chicks but they still don't love me

Food and patience, and treats and toys...make yourself something 'interesting' to check out every time you are in their space....become part of the flock whenever
you can. Chicken Zen as they...

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