Topic of the Week - Keeping Chickens Cool in Summer

To cool my girls off I make blueberry ice cubs in old fashion plastic ice cub trays. Blueberries are one of their favorite treats, it takes longer and is very entertaining as well.

As for wading in I use the lids from large cat litter containers holds just enough water to stand in. During the height of the day I throw some ice cubs in.
What do you use for shallow water dishes that the chickens can stand in? My run will be 8x10 and the small kiddie pools I've found would take up a lot of space. Summer can be really hot in MO and my coop in a yard with little shade though it and the run will have a roof topped with white metal roofing.
I use a cat litter pan their inexpensive and the chickens love it.
We live in Arizona where temps easily reach 110 and above. I install a mister system each summer and my gals stand in the mist all day. They have plenty of shade as well and the misters keep the dirt moist so they can scratch and lay in the cool, shaded dirt. I also give them treats like cold watermelon and cantaloupe rinds and they love it. Periodically, I let the hose run and give them a bit of a flood in which they enjoy wading, scratching and drinking. Finally, from time to time, I just spray the entire run with the hose, making the trees drip like it's raining, and I spray the girls too. They just stand there and ruffle their feathers and shake it off. This is our 5th summer and everyone seems to be staying happy. Summer is more work and the water bill tends to be higher, but it's worth it to keep my chickens healthy and happy.

Summer time is a wonderful time, but with the sunshine and long days comes a potential hazard for our flocks: extreme heat. Chickens naturally wear a warm coat of feathers and can overheat easily, therefor it's essential that we provide means for them to cool down, if needed, and regulate their body temperatures. What do you all do to help your flocks beat the heat?

Summer time is a wonderful time, but with the sunshine and long days comes a potential hazard for our flocks: extreme heat. Chickens naturally wear a warm coat of feathers and can overheat easily, therefor it's essential that we provide means for them to cool down, if needed, and regulate their body temperatures. What do you all do to help your flocks beat the heat?

This is what I use to keep my ladies cooler in the summer:

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