Topical and oral anti-fungal medications recommendations?


Dec 16, 2022
I have a pet quail. I'm pretty sure my quail has a skin infection called Rhodotoruliasis caused by the yeast Rhodotorula mucilaginosa. It's quite rare and usually only seen in raptors like falcons.

I don't know how to treat it tho. Online I've only found it's treated with Amphotericin B plus some hepatic protector. But that seems like a very strong medication, also I've been unable to find it here.

What topical broad spectrum anti-fungals do you know and/or recommend?
What about the oral ones?

Also, how do you calculate the dose for quail by weight?

Has anyone used ketoconazole 2% shampoo to treat fungal skin infections? Do you know if it can be used in poultry?
Can you like wash quails with warm water provided they can dry under a heat lamp or the sun at a hot temperature? Or do their bodies have a shock from being wet? I believe they don't take water baths in the wild.

I'm gonna take it to the vet either way. I've being there already 2 times for nothing but breaking the bank, and ended up having to research and diagnose her myself with books and a smear I took and put under the microoscope to confirm. Since vets here are so incompetent I really wanna go to the appointment already with as much knowledge as possible, treatment options in mind, researched and knowing about your recommendations and experiences to avoid further problems.
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Did you already take her to the vet? Is her condition worsening?
I haven't been able to take her yet, I've been having my own health problems. Also it's difficult to find a vet that looks like will be able to help her decently.

I have treated her with ketoconazole 2% shampoo a couple times and it did help a bit, the scabs got a bit smaller but she had a terrible time with the bath, including shivering even if I used warm water, a heater and a heat lamp. I haven't done it again because I think she's having more or a shock than a help.
It makes sense the ketoconazole did something but not a lot. From what I read, it has some effectiveness against that yeast, but it's not that effective.

She has so many scabs now that sadly I think she's gonna need oral medication. I am trying to keep it under control, but it's really difficult because I'm dealing with so much right now myself.

I am very worried about her my sweet feathery potato, but I need to be well myself to be able to take care of her.

I'll keep you updated in any case
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I have used ketoconizole solution on my dog and chickens for fungal infection in ears or on skin. My vet prescribed it, and it is prescription only. Have you tried just over the counter miconazole (Monistat) or clotrimazole? Here is one keto that Chewy sells: Keto&utm_term=&gclid=Cj0KCQjwtO-kBhDIARIsAL6LorcwV0_PF5a2iJHSdJXOhK46zNE9cWVuvRpdyjq4emb1yW7c5v-vQDoaAiXMEALw_wcB
Yes, I have used ketoconazole too in a cat with good results. But never in a bird. I treated her a couple times with it and she got a bit better but not s whole lot and she had a terrible time while washing her.
How did you use it on your chickens? Did you give them a bath/"shower" with it?

I know a prescription is needed but I already had it at home.

No I haven't tried miconazole nor clotrimazole because I read they're not effective against it. But may be worth a try.

Anyway I'm just hoping I can find a good vet soon and be able to take her asap. I am very worried about her.
I haven't been able to take her yet, I've been having my own health problems. Also it's difficult to find a vet that looks like will be able to help her decently.

I have treated her with ketoconazole 2% shampoo a couple times and it did help a bit, the scabs got a bit smaller but she had a terrible time with the bath, including shivering even if I used warm water, a heater and a heat lamp. I haven't done it again because I think she's having more or a shock than a help.
It makes sense the ketoconazole did something but not a lot. From what I read, it has some effectiveness against that yeast, but it's not that effective.

She has so many scabs now that sadly I think she's gonna need oral medication. I am trying to keep it under control, but it's really difficult because I'm dealing with so much right now myself.

I am very worried about her my sweet feathery potato, but I need to be well myself to be able to take care of her.

I'll keep you updated in any case
Thanks for the updates, and I’m so sorry. That sounds really hard. I hope both of you get better soon. :hugs
Thanks for the updates, and I’m so sorry. That sounds really hard. I hope both of you get better soon. :hugs
Thank you sm! I hope we do too! ^^

You were right, clotrimazole is effective against it!

I don't know why I said that, I think I got it mixed up with something else.

I did went to the vet (again!) and it was awful. Oh she didn't take well the self-diagnosis thing. Even tho I never told her this is what she has "100%". I am almost certain, but can't never be fully sure given I don't know everything there's to know about birds health in general. She was so condescending and rude.

She charged me and did her own tests (which I can understand) but then she just said "seems to be a yeast", and I'm like, "oh, really? no sh*t"

Keep in mind that from what I've read, this disease doesn't always need to be confirmed by a smear test. It has a pretty characteristc presentation, although it's ok to do a smear to confirm (as I did at home). At this point after all the effort and money, I don't like paying for something I already have done to get a result I already have. But I get it, what makes me feel bad it's mainly the way she treated me and didn't listen to what I had to say, specially relevant things to her condition. I was kind in my approach and let her do her thing.

So then she goes and gives me fluconazole, which I've read it's not effective against that yeast (see article). And I tell her and she tells me that "well, but we don't know if she has what you say", and I'm like, SERIOUSLY!? I've read the full list of fungal diseases on all birds from two different vet sources:

and it's the only one with that presentation, also that yeast I've seen in my appartment in the bathroom (it tends to show up even if I am very diligent with the cleaning and bleaching). So I'm assuming it just, lives here. After all I've read it's a very common yeast overall, can be even found in toothbrushes.

So now with a topical treatment that it's useless and hasn't done anything for her. I'm back to square one again, need to go to another vet to get something that works (clotrimazole, ketoconazol in cream, or nystatin) or just go find it myself. At this point I may try DIY treatment. Y'know I can ask my doc for a non subsidized prescription, I think he may be willing to help if I explain. Or see if I can find it OTC.

->I don't know what concentration in a cream of clotrimazole or ketoconazol should I look for, how many times to apply, and if I should somehow cover where I apply the cream so she doesn't eat it. Do you have answers to any of this?

She didn't say to cover the cream, but I fear she may be eating it, and I'm just gonna stop applying it because it's done nothing as I expected. In fact, it's getting worse. Clinical trials don't lie, I knew it wasn't gonna do anything, but I tried it anyway in the event I was wrong about the type of yeast in some seemingly unlikely plot twist, but y'know you gotta try. I don't think I know everything and I give space to the possibility of being wrong.

On the note of quail eating topical medicine, with the ketoconazole shampoo last time no joke when I was going to apply it to her she ate it and I was shocked in disbelief. I think she spit it out because I saw it hanging from her beak and I went straight to the faucet to clean it. I opened her mouth and cleaned with a q-tip nothing there. Anyway I was worried and gave her a little bit of activated charcoal from a capsule just in case. I had read you can do that. Oh Jesus so much drama with this illness!!!

I think I may go diy, it's what's giving me the best results so far. So if you know about the concentration I should look for in the cream and if I should cover after applying, that'd be very helpful!

Thanks for being here with me for the ride.
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