Torn comb on Buff Orpington


7 Years
May 15, 2012
I just noticed today that one of my Buffs has a bloodied torn or ripped comb. It's hard to tell if the other chickens have pecked at her or if it got caught on something. I put out a little cracked corn every morning and they all come running, so I usually get a pretty good look at all of the girls. My questions are: Is there something that I need to put on the comb? Should I be concerned about infection? What do I do if it is the other chickens that are pecking at her?
I will obviously be keeping a closer eye on her. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you!

Don't worry about infection or the comb. It's on the chickens head so it should be able to get away from anyone who wants to eat her alive vs an injury to the back. She'll heal up no problem. Chickens are resilient, combs are probably one of the things that can look horrifying bad with bleeding and what not, but will heal up no problem. She'll just have a bite taken out of it for the rest of her life.
I'm glad I don't have anything to worry about. I feel better about it. You're right, I think it was the bleeding that scared me the most. Thank you for your response.

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