Total Newb from Idaho


7 Years
Nov 11, 2012
New Meadows, ID
I am not new to this sigh but I am a new member and I had a couple questions. 1) How can I keep my chickens warm through the cold fall and winter when my dad won't let me run power out to the coop to run a heat lamp? And 2) What can cause a rooster who used to be rreally sweet all of a sudden turn mean and start attacking anyone who went into the chicken yard and even the hens? I just had to get rid of my 3 month old Delaware rooster because he started doing just that. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I also just had to rehome my barred rock hen (I have an Amber White hen, 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes and originally the barred rock and the Delaware rooster) because she started attacking the other hens.

:( Very concerned chicken mom
Greetings from Kansas, Mo5C, and
! Pleased you joined us. I think your chickens will be fine in the winter as long as they have a draft free coop. They are pretty tough birds and will produce a lot of their own heat to keep the coop if not warm, at least warm enough. Also, always give them plenty of the proper food and water to keep their health up. In terms of your rooster...I have had young friendly cockerels turn into mean roosters...while others remain friendly. Unsure why. I think some just get a little full of themselves and their role of being at the top of the pecking order and turn mean. Others don't. Best of luck to you.
Thank You for the warm welcome redsoxs and thank you for the help. They do keep it pretty long as I keep the cover to the ventilation window closed.
I agree with Redsoxs on the coop advice. For the mean rooster it could be due to hormones.

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