Totally new to chicks, Help!

new to chicks505

10 Years
Jun 5, 2009
I have just (they are a week and a half old) got my first 6 chicks and have 6 more on the way. If someone with more experience could please help answer a few questions.

1. we had a chick death last night, totally out of the blue. all the others seem fine but I want to make sure it isn't something that may spread. they have been kept watered and at a consistent 90-95 degrees with plenty of food (not medicated), their poops look normal though I just saw one poop a darker color. It wasn't red just a darker brown than the rest and maybe a bit looser. They all seem very perky and active. Any thoughts

2. all their chests are getting bare and funny looking. is this normal?

3. when we got home with our chicks and unpacked them one had a broken wing. she is active eating drinking and growing but the wing just hangs there. will the wing need to be removed or can it just hang there for ever?

Thank you for any help!
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I am not sure about removing he wing, depends if it can be used 'at all' if it is dragging on the ground it may get in her way, trip over it, get poopy, etc...however would be best to keep it for balance if she can extend it at all.

If you pinch it does she respond by flinching it? where do you think it is broke? If it is to be removed you want to do it when they are very small and not wait till they are older it will be more traumatic and take longer to heal. Someone else will have to reccomend you further about this.....

reguarding the spent chick....chicks can die of stress, chill, heat, they can get suffocated by does not necessarily mean to put them on a medicated starter as coccidiosis has potential to be life threatening as well.

watch them all closely for bloody diarreah and 'puffing up and looking cold and lethargic'.

The spent chick couldve just been a freak thing- just watch everyone for anything odd.

good luck

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Thanks for the help!

The little wing doesn't do anything, just hangs there. I talked to a vet who said she'd be fine just deformed and not to worry but my husband is sure it should be removed...
Glad you got a vet involved. I would do what the vet suggested. Your husband will just have to get used to haveing a 'handicapped' chicken!

best wishes,

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