Tough but moist

now you have my mouth watering for a rostitier chicken.

That sounds so good.

now i am hungry for bird
late Dave
If you're used to grocery store chickens, and like them, by all means brine them. You can thaw them in brine in the fridge just as well, it's usually easier to bring when processing if you're processing at home anyway. If you're doing wet cooking suck as boiling, stewing, braising etc, you can skip it. I do about 1/2 of ours the rest get wet cooking.
the chicken plucker is from the whizbang chicken plucker book. we followed the book to the letter.
we used a 2 inch drive pulley and a 12 inch driven pulley. It was pretty simple. I work in a machine shop to the metal working was not hard. While we were making this one a couple other people caught wind and had me make the mechanical stuff for their pluckers.
I have orders for a few more. If any one needs the shaft,plucker plate and the 12 inch pulley PM me i will shoot you a price. If you can scrounge up the parts for cheep, this thing is the way to go. The most expensive thing is the 125 fingers. But it is a small price to pay not to have to pluckem' by hand.
Hope this helps like i said any questions just ask or maybe we should start a post in the proper place.
look on Utube there are lots of good videos. even a gas powered one.
Thanks for the info., a few meat chickens might be in my future.
I have a large plastic container with a lid. When i get my chickens home can i just put them in that container with icey salt water and let them sit for 2 days before freezing? My frig wont be big enough to get them all in it to rest.

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