Toulouse Goose drooping wing


9 Years
Jul 14, 2010
Hello all,
I have a Toulouse Goose that is about 2 months old. He started to develop angel wing so we taped his wings up for 5 days and then removed the tape. The right wing needs rewrapped, however, the left wing is just hanging there dragging the ground. What happened and what do I do? I'm starting to freak out about it. I have seen him pick it up some but I'm not sure what to do or if he just has to get used to the weight of the wing. Ideas?? Help!!!


By the way, the wraps went on the wings this past Sunday and came off yesterday (friday) morning. They have been off for over 24 hours.
I have a Sebbie gosling like that too. We wrapped his wings for a week coz they were drooping and the start of angel wing. Took them off and 2 days later the wings were drooped and feathers started to stick out. Wrapped him again for another week, took them off and hes still the same!!!! Once his feathers started to come in the wings drooped and still do. I also dont know what else to do.
A couple of more ideas-

If your feed is in the 20% protein range, add dry old fashioned oats (e.g. Quaker Oats) to cut the protein level down. Let them eat as much grass as they can.

Some people add niacin/B vitamins to the feed as dried brewer's yeast.

Exercise - take them for a walk a couple of times a day. Mine would use their wings to help propel them forward when they fell behind, and therefore use the wing muscles. Same thing with swimming water as they will stand up and flap their wings giving them a workout.

For future reference, Dave Holderread has a good booklet on wing disorders, available from his website.

Good luck!
Thanks for the advice! I just switched him to a 16% protein about a week ago (purina duck chow) and mix in oats with it (whole oats from feed store). He gets a 50/50 mix of it. So do you think it's just muscle development as well then? I am definitely going to purchase the book you suggested! I had been to their website looking for information on wing development.
The dropping of the wings happens to alot of goslings due to the flight feathers are coming in and they are heavy because they are engorged with blood. They can get so heavy they can't keep them up for awhile until the feathers come in and the blood supply lessens. I've had many a gosling who went through this phase. They come out perfectly fine
Oh my gosh. You have no idea how good it is to hear that! Poor thing has had me in a panic! Now hopefully I can get the other wings under control for angel wing. Just rewrapped it. Fingers crossed that one fixes and he can soon pick up his right one~! Lol! My DH keeps telling me he looks deformed which only makes me feel worse!
I know they do kind of look deformed. lol I had one poor little girl last year who was what I called a runt. She was so small and when her flight feathers started coming in she couldn't keep either wing up and they drug the ground she was so short at the time. She went around that way for weeks and I begin to wonder if her's would ever stay up but they did eventually. I've never dealt with any angel wing but I hope the wrapping helps this go around for you. Good luck!
Our Toulouse gander went through a droopy wing phase when his wing feathers started coming it. It went away when he was around 9 or 10 weeks old. He's just fine now at around 14 weeks. It just took him awhile to be strong enough to hold his wings up, and he's sure proud of them now (likes to flap and show off).

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