Toulouse or Pomeranian gosling

Nimueh Alene

7 Years
Apr 9, 2017
Sebastian county Arkansas
just got them home yesterday.. The other didn't make it.. I can sex Chicks and I think it's a girl.
Where did you buy them? Would the person you got them from be able to tell you the breed? If I had to guess, I'd say toulouse. Toulouse have gray legs and pomeranian goslings have orange legs.

Sexing geese is different from sexing chicks, if you mean you can vent sex chicks. Chickens don't have penises, and ducks and geese do. You need to open the vent far enough that if there was a penis, it would pop out. And even if you don't see a penis, that's not a guarantee, you might have missed it.

Sorry you lost one. Geese really do need to have friends of their own kind. Please contact the person you got this one from and see if they have another they will sell you so that this one is not alone.
I got them from a woman who purchased mixed female gosling from mertzer hatchery .. So she said...this one looked chunky so I was worried I got a gander I bought 2..from her... I was hoping for Toulouse but looking at her bill I think African or brown Chinese. I called and left a message about getting another from her.. .If not I could order from ideal hatchery. Should I order females ? Ganders dont get along do they..

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