Toxic flush


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 19, 2012
Arizona mountains
For the toxic flush, how is that to be given? Do I put the solution in the water bucket, or in a syringe and give it to her. Something bit my Hannah goose almost two weeks ago. I'm thinking it was those small ants, I know she didn't get bit by a Rattler, a Scorpion, or a Widow. There was an ant nest in my yard where Hannah awlays lays. I didn't notice it until the next day when I noticed she was walking tippy-toe and light footed. She plucked her feathers out on her chest and also under her belly between her legs. She slept standing for a week. I got an all natural gel from my vet to put on her, we also started her on Baytril 1xdaily for 7 days to ward off any infections. She eats and drinks good, bathes, grooms. She's alert, but walks, as I said, very light-footed. Sometimes she acts confused and disorentated. The other geese and ducks are fine. Her feathers are coming back in nicely. I don't konw what else to do. I'm in tears over this, I love my birds soooo much.
The ant bites are toxic, and there were several, When those ants come after you the whole nest comes after you. This a.m. she's walking very wobbly and using her wings to balance herself, her tail is also pointed downward. She acts like she has a toxic poisoning, that's why I asked about the flush. I live in Arizona, and the ants here are very toxic.
I guess I'm not making myself clear....I'm sorry, I'm so concerned about her. I'm guessing it's the ant bites, it could be something differant that she got into. She was like this back in April, and I was unable to find out what was causing her to be ill. I walked the whole yard where all the geese roam and found nothing. She was the only one to get sick then, and the only one now. It took her about 3 1/2 weeks to pull out of it. I have been watching her to check her stool to see what it looks like, I don't see her go, she's either going when I'm not around , or not going at all. Is it possiable for her to be constipated / impacted from something she did find and eat ? I picked her up this morning and she seems to be heavier than normal. I feel so alone and very depressed, I love her so much.
I just saw this post - and was wondering about the flush also. I have a goose that might have eaten something - now her poop is bright green and watery. How do I use the flush?
Lady you need to isolate her to better figure out whats going on with her this time and to also see if she is in fact still going regularly. I understand ants, I live in FL we have fireants everywhere. It is still not the same as ingesting something.

All things geese can get into:

Standing water that is stagnant

Rotting vegatation

Bad feed (mold, mildew) feed that becomes damp or wet can go bad quickly

wild mushrooms

Tarheel..... it is in the stickies here on BYC
Hi there, She is isolated.... to the main yard with all the others. I took her to the vet on Wednesday. He did lab work on her. Her vet called today with results from one of the tests. We do know that there is no toxic,( no lead or heavy metals issue.) The rest of the blood work will be in Monday or Tuesday. There is a slight improvement in her. She's not leaning as much as she has been. Everything that you mentioned in your post was asked by her vet, no to all things. Their pools get changed 2x weekly, their pen gets spot cleaned daily with fresh bedding put down, and cleaned out totally the end of each month. Water buckets get scrubed out every other day. This is a routine I have done for almost 14 yrs. I have been able to check her stool, sometimes it's normal green and formed, or runny green, or white chalky and formed. Thank you for your reply, sorry it took so long to answer.
Well her blood test results are back. Her Cholesterol is high 225 range should be 86-211, Glucose is low187, range227-300,Calcium low 9.6 range13.2-23.7,Phosphorus low3.4, range 6.2-7.9, Potassium low2.7, range3.0-7.3. She has no blood parasites. Sending in a stool sample to check for parasites there. We are so stumped as to what is going on. She is so alert. Just to look at her one wouldn't know something is wrong with her. But something is. She will have a great day, the next two days she's down again. Eats and drinks good, but yet she's losing weight slowly. I am so scared for her, I love her so much. She's getting a Metacam shot daily for four days, to help with any inflamation and pain. The antibiotic the lab suggested we start her on , the vet doesn't carry. So he ordered it , he'll have it in two days. If anybody has any idea of what this could or might be, please post.

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