Toy chickens??

OMG!!!!!!! Someone put eyeballs on an egg and then squished the yolk out!!!!

red yolk
giant meat spot?

im seriously having a hard time finding plush silkies... lol GOOD LUCK! funny kid, i like him.
This is a different laptop and I don't have the same favorites. I found the pattern for mine online. Just some fake fur and instead of felt I used flannel. I even gave mine correct feet. LOL

I can't find the link..............

why does everything looked spelled right until I hit submit?
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check eBay for 'webkinz chicken' -- they have a white one that might be 'modified' to look like a silkie -- add 'fluff' to the legs?
not expensive and fun, too -- :)
That white crested is very cute!!!

I did a Google search for "silkie stuffed animal" and the top return was my own stupid post! Thanks a lot, Google!!!!

Last night, my son came down with his stuffed penguin (almost two feet tall. The penguin, that is) and tells me his penguin wants a Silkie friend that's his size so they can be buddies together. It's hard enough to find a Silkie, period. Now he wants a 2-foot-tall one???

I'll check the Webkinz. I have a friend who owns a toy store. Maybe she'll take pity on me. Maybe she knows where to find one! Ugh. I bet it'll cost more than a dozen Silkies.
Wow, two votes in a row for Jelly Cat's Matilda. I'll show it to my DH, who thinks our son is being silly. But our son brought it up at dinner again tonight, so hopefully this'll work. As for that other one, that is one really realistic chicken. Wow! Thanks, everyone!!!! I appreciate all these posts. If I knew how to sew, maybe I'd go into business making Silkie stuffed toys, since there seems to be a niche for them!

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