Toy suggestions anyone


5 Years
Feb 17, 2014
Western NC
I would love to provide some more things to do for my girls. I saw someone on here state that their ducks liked to peck at a soda bottle in their pool. Mine ignore it. I bought them a ball that they can peck at and get feed out of. They ignore it. I got them a block of feed that you can hang for them to peck at. They ignore it.

They do enjoy their pool and seem to love pecking through the straw bedding they are on. I just feel bad because I have four ducks in a 10'x10' dog kennel. (I know it's plenty of space, I still feel bad) We will be enlarging it in the future.

Any suggestions on toys?

Here is a pic of my girls. 9 week old Welsh Harlequins in their pool that was crystal clear a couple hours ago.

My duck loves to look at herself in the mirror. If you can find a sturdy mirror with no sharp edges, try putting that in their pen and see if they like it. You'll have to clean it frequently, though, because they'll cover it in grime in no time flat.
I buy heads of cabbage and hang it out they love to peck it and it doesn't take them long to have it pecked clean. Keeps them busy for a while.
I would love to provide some more things to do for my girls. I saw someone on here state that their ducks liked to peck at a soda bottle in their pool. Mine ignore it. I bought them a ball that they can peck at and get feed out of. They ignore it. I got them a block of feed that you can hang for them to peck at. They ignore it. :barnie They do enjoy their pool and seem to love pecking through the straw bedding they are on. I just feel bad because I have four ducks in a 10'x10' dog kennel. (I know it's plenty of space, I still feel bad) We will be enlarging it in the future. Any suggestions on toys? Here is a pic of my girls. 9 week old Welsh Harlequins in their pool that was crystal clear a couple hours ago. :rolleyes:
Ur duckies have more room than mine, but mine is temporary until we move. I bought mine a parrot toy that hangs from the top of their house. It was in their tub in my room. It is brightly colored wood w/ a shiny bell @ the bottom. They seem to like shiny things. They ignored it & was scared to death of it if they touched it & it jingled. But I put a treat block under it & they eventually got use to it. Then, my KC started playing w/ it. I think she started to learn that if she rang it in the middle of the night, I wld get up, check on them & refill their water dish, lol. I hung it in their house, so if she plays w/ it @ night, it wld discourage predators :). I think u shld just leave the toys & eventually they will play w/ them.

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