

In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 27, 2011
Hope I dont get Band for this post please delete or move.
Hi last year a guy that I work with he and I start raising turkeys this year we have 18 its a mix of Red Bourbon, Bronze and Black Spanish I was trying to keep track of everything who layed what and what pen it came from and the Incubations and Brooding but anyways I fount the Program on the Net and Ebay always got out bidded but I know a little vb6 from the days I use to fool around in yahoo chat rooms "Chat Booters" but anyways i started to build my own then i thought why not a webpage so I started with this its stll in the works and just want to get some input or suggestions most of the options are working as in Add eggs, Pen Control Incubation,Print Incubation Tag,Tag Control.
I plan to have it a Free Site
You can join to check out the working options but keep in mind the site is still being worked on and the database gets deleted alot till i get it all up and going.
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why would you think you would get banned for this?

In any case, it looks good so far, good luck with developing it.
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Thank you and I didnt want to think it was spaming the site I hope to have it all done real soon
take a look around keep in mind the database gets deleted alot until its done.
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Had some free time reworked the members page added more options like print last Incubator Tag Sheet worked on the Expenses Add and Deduct feel free to go in and play around keep in mind the site is not really done so the data base gets duped alot so you can use a bogus email but I would like some feed back about the options what else would be useful and would use hope to have it up to stay real soon.
The site looks really nice. I really like that the first thing you see is what it does with the check marks next to it. Also a plus that you have a link to BYC at the bottum!!

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