tractor... how & how often do I move it...

I run 3-4 birds in a 3X6 tractor in my garden before and after the garden season to clean out my rows and I move them every 3 days. This is about how long it takes them to completely eat everything they want and scratch up the ground really good. It works for me since that is what I want my birds to do. I don't plow my garden, I use "Chicken Power". I intentionally want them to scratch up the ground that is why I have a small tractor and move it often.

I think the answer really depends on your tractor size and the number and types of birds and what damage to the grass you will tolerate. My buff Orps rip the ground up in no time, my FBC Marans seem to take a little longer as they don't seem to be as aggressive at scratching and foraging. I would say watch the ground each day and when you feel they are begining to damage the grass move them. Also you don't want too much poo in one area as it will kill the grass if you build up too much nitrogen.

As far as size of your tractor, I feel it is a different situation than a stationary coop run, since the birds have fresh ground often my opinion is you can have more birds per sq. ft. About 3-4 square feet per bird works for me. I kept two birds in a 3X3 with the nesting and roosting area overhead and moved them every 3 days for two years and the birds were very healthy and happy. The girls actually knew when it was time to move and would get very excited when I would move the tractor since it meant lots of good things to find and eat.

I think tractoring is actually better for bird health (my opinion only). I have both a stationary coop/run and two tractors to mix it up. I feel the egg quality is better when they are in the tractor and they comsume less feed due to all the stuff they find scratching in the soil.

OK that is my two cents.
Good luck I think tractoring birds is fun!

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