Tractor Supply Pine Shavings

I really appreciate your review of the fine shavings!
I never bought the fine because of how messy it is, but it was very interesting to know about it being only 5.5 cu ft per bale.
I never thought of that.

I also use the dry DLM in my coops and brooders.
I also used to start off with too much litter.
Now I start off with a minimum amount of litter and add to it as needed.

My husband is so shocked at how our coops do not smell (his mother "warned" him about how gross and smelly chicken-keeping is).

Anyway, thanx for the update!
I bought one press bale from TSC but I will never buy another one from them! It was all dust. LIke the stuff thats swept up off the floor... it was really really bad. I ended up putting it down in the coop first and putting two more bales down on top of it to try to keep the dust down. I picked up the other bales at another feed store. Truthfully... TSC has let me down on too many products/customer service.. I prefer not to buy from there. Call aound to other shops you will find better quality stuff.

You can also use wood stove pellets... they are cheap and I used them for years when I was breed rats and I also had bunnies on them ;) Be sure to get the ones WITHOUT firestarter.
@AlienChick - I've never heard of it referred to as "dry DLM" is there a wet version? and how do they really differ? It didn't sound like I could really screw up DLM but now I'm worried I may be..? There are so many DLM threads here on BYC that it's really easy to get confused, because a lot of people don't really say exactly how they do their process. They just say "I sort of do that...etc etc." and say what they do differently instead of really explaining it. Or a lot of "I don't believe that is safe/healthy/easy etc etc..." Also the only real article involves using the DE stuff which I can't get here without internet ordering (which then costs shipping which makes it not worth it...) So would you mind sending me a message telling me how you do your DLM? I'd appreciate it. :) Because my outdoor brooder does smell, but some people are telling me it's because of what I feed them, not the DLM. That the feed makes their poo so smelly that DLM can't "hide" it...half of my brain believes that, half of my brain says that crap, and the other half of my brain tells me I've screwed up! lol

@AmyLM - TSC isn't the only feed store I have in my area, but it's the only one I can get to with my schedule...the other 3 stores in my area all close at 5pm during the week and barely even keep bank hours on Saturdays. Don't even open on Sunday. I've yet to have problems with my TSC (their parking lot, on the other hand has already involved me in TWO fender's so poorly laid out it's not funny) and some of their employees are decent. I would love to give my local feed store my business, but I just can't get their within their store hours. Can you suggest a brand that you use? I'm always open to more suggestions :)

Thanks everyone!
Also...(totally off topic warning!) How do you guys get the little signature part of your posts? The ones like AlienChick's with her for sale stuff and all her critters? I would love to do that but can't figure it out...

thanks again :)
I use the fine at first but around the time I change out the litter in the brooder (4 weeks) I switch to the shavings. It is easier for me to scoop out. I also have spread about 3 bales in the coop for my adult ladies and they love to play in it. I dump it in 1 big pile in the center of the coop floor and they play in it for days and spread it out evenly on their own. When it gets yucky in there I throw another bale on top and plan to keep using this method till she needs a good cleaning out probably mid summer. Good luck. oh side note, I bought some cat toys, the little colored balls with bells in the middle for my fluffy butts to play with and they LOVE them. It keeps them entertained for hours and keeps the pecking on eachother to a minimum. :)
My husband is so shocked at how our coops do not smell (his mother "warned" him about how gross and smelly chicken-keeping is).

Why do people think chickens are dirty and smelly like pigs? Everyone that sees my chickens are surprised how clean they are and that they don't smell. Even when the coop is at its dirtiest it doesn't stink. I use hay in the coop and DE. A friend who lived in the country around chickens said my chickens were the cleanest she had ever seen.
I have used the TSC pine bedding. I like it as long as it hasn't been left outside to get rained on etc. I got one batch once that was all mildewy. Otherwise pretty good. I have found the fine and the coarse pine at ours.
Also...(totally off topic warning!) How do you guys get the little signature part of your posts? The ones like AlienChick's with her for sale stuff and all her critters? I would love to do that but can't figure it out...

thanks again :)

Click on your profile (at top of any page, brown tab second to last) Scroll down near the bottom and you'll see Your Forum Signature. Type in whatever you want. You may have to click "edit signature". :)
Has anyone ever tried Equine pelleted bedding in there Coop? I think if you water it down enought to sawdust consistancy and sprinkle it with DE that you might actually be able to clean your coop with a stall rake and only do a complete cleaning maybe once or twice a year. This type of bedding states that it is dust free and reduces odor and hence flys if made from compressed pine. I wonder if the chickens would try to eat it. I would think that they would not like the taste and perhaps leave it alone. Anybody have any advice?
I was at my farm supply place and they had baby chicks there and on some type of pellets - they kind of clumped up around the poop. I asked about them (I've been using shavings) and she said they were pine pellets and they were great for bedding. They don't seem very 'snuggly' for the chicks, but they did seem to work well (better than shavings). She also said that you can turn the pellets into shavings by sprinking with water. Once my bag of shavings is used up, I'm definitely going to try the pellets.

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