Tractor Supply Red Pullets????


8 Years
Feb 26, 2011
Benton, LA
Picked up 4 today, both in bins labled red pullets but look totally different. Is the red pullet a RI mix and what do you think the yellow ones are?
that is weird next time pick them out yourself they may have giving you the wrong bird i know our sells red star leghorn an cornish rock an ducks but i am pretty sure they are not ducks.goodluck
I am really wary about buying chicks from Tractor Supply. When I got my first 7 which were supposed to be "assorted pullets" 4 of the 7 turned out to be roosters that I had to rehome. They did give me a refund. The 3 pullets that I did wind up with were Leghorns. I have only one left (stupid dog got the other 2) but she is the sweetest chicken ever. She looked like your yellow ones did.
The scoop on the golden comets from TSC - I was told from a local chick seller who I trust A LOT to know what he is talking about
There are only a few HUGE golden comet flocks in the country with 8 or 9 THOUSAND layers - who then are contracted to TSC to sell their chicks. (Ideal is one, but this is not the one I am talking about)
One of those flocks had to be destroyed this year due to illness, so they had to introduce a different whatever youc all it, breed of golden comet - this is why you see two different kinds of golden comets frmo TSC - two different hatcheries.
Just replied to you on the other "red Pullets" thread but I work at TSC in TN and the only white birds we had were st. run broilers.

The featured breed around here was speckled sussex and were st. run.... the reds and blacks were all pullets and just a varied group of breeds of that color. THe bantams were mainly sebrights and cochins with a few others and the ducks were all Swedish.

Now, each store is different, but the region is very simular as it's not the store that does the ordering but the company. Which is why you have employees who don't know... but I was hired specifically for the reason that I know chickens better than anyone else in the store and chick season was comming
I replied on the other red pullets thread also. If you call your TSC and ask which hatchery the chicks came from, they are most likely tetra tints if from mt healthy. The two darker look like RSL's. They are NOT RIR, NHR, or PR. Those all tend to have a red cast with yellow tipped wings and a little yellow on their heads. No stripes on their back.
Well the red pullets (and there should have been a TSC colored photo and sign there ... tisk tisk) were all pullet mix of NH, RIR, Production Red, and Red Sex-links.

You were lucky to get any... lol. That lasted at my store for about 6 hours before someone bought them all at once. lol

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