Trade this for that. Is it worth it?


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
11 Years
Feb 20, 2008
Opelousas, Louisiana
Someone has a wooden bench that I would like to have. In return, he would like to trade the wooden bench for 4 Muscovy Ducks that are about 6 months old. Would this be an even trade? In the pic below is the wooden bench that he is wanting to trade. Are 4 ducks too much to trade for the wooden bench? I don't know how old the bench is. It was at this house that he bought about a year ago. Tell me your honest opinion.

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6 month old Muscovy ducks would be a cost equivalent of about $40 in my area. Would you pay $40 for the bench? If so, I'd trade. If not, I wouldn't.
Well as cheap as I am, I would not pay $40.00 for the bench. He initially listed it as FREE on Craigslist but when I responded, he remembered my email from something else that he gave me and remembered that I had ducks. He emailed me back and said that he would trade the bench for some ducks. At first, I was a little ticked because he said that the bench was for free but then again, he can do what he wants with his own bench. If I would not have responded, he would have given it to someone for free. I really DO NOT want to give him my ducks for that trade being as though he initially listed it as FREE. On the other hand, he did give me for FREE (1 iron table and 4 small benches that have to be put in the ground with concrete/cement. It's the kinda table and benches you see at a rest stop. He didn't want it on his property anymore.) (PIC POSTED BELOW)

I was talking to a friend and my friend said that 4 ducks would be a fair trade. I'm set on saying NO to his offer but wanted to see what others thought about the trade. I'm not good on what things cost because I really don't spend money on things like this.

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Yeah, I'd offer him a pair. He'll likely take it considering he was going to give it away for FREE to start with. Apparently the man just wants some duckies, and who can blame him
He gave you the other table and things, so yes, I would offer 2 but be willing to give 4 if for no other reason than to just to keep the bartering system open with this guy. You never know what he will have in the future. It could be a great trade realtionship on down the line. You could be the first person he asks if they want whatever he has to get rid of next. I'd also offer to take the birds back should he decide they are not right for him. Sounds like a decent deal.
Yeah, I'd offer him a pair. He'll likely take it considering he was going to give it away for FREE to start with. Apparently the man just wants some duckies, and who can blame him
He gave you the other table and things, so yes, I would offer 2 but be willing to give 4 if for no other reason than to just to keep the bartering system open with this guy. You never know what he will have in the future. It could be a great trade realtionship on down the line. You could be the first person he asks if they want whatever he has to get rid of next. I'd also offer to take the birds back should he decide they are not right for him. Sounds like a decent deal.

You said exactly what my friend said as far as keeping the bartering system open with this guy. He is an attorney and he just moved in an older home that is about 100+ years old. He has a beautiful place and I'm sure he will have more things to "give away".

Thanks for the advice you all. I appreciate that.
Id say no cause he offered it for free. Just to you he wants something. Have a friend or someone get in touch with him and see if he tells them for free. Thats not fair to offer something for free and then tell you that you have to give him 4 ducks for it.
And that was initial reaction and thought when he emailed me. How could he offer for FREE and then turn around and say that he wants to trade. I was ticked at the thought of just that.
When he gave me the iron table and 4 benches about a month ago, he said that he wanted to buy some ducks from me and I told him to let me know when he was ready to buy the ducks. He said ok. But now, since I emailed him about the FREE wooden bench, he wants some ducks. If I would not have emailed him about the FREE wooden bench, he possibly would have BOUGHT these ducks. So, I definitely understand your thoughts. I thought the same thing and I"m still sitting on the "NO" side of the fence . I really think that is manipulating being as though it was advertised as FREE. Would he ask the next person to trade for some ducks? No, probably not.

Here is the link to the actual post that he posted.
to me and this is just my opinion the bench is not worth 4 ducks. Maybe to someone else it is, Guess what it really boils down to is how much you want the bench, but on principle I say no.

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