Tragedy on our farm

Thanks, everyone.

Peter is in the infirmary on our back porch. His wound is deep, possibly through the bone. Also a large raw patch. The pictures don't do it justice because you have to move the feathers out of the way to really see it. Frankly, I don't have the knowledge base to decide on whether or not this wound is survivable. SO, we made a deal with a local vet to keep it under $100 and we'll bring him in. Some fancy exotics vet that does parrots. Our livestock vet doesn't do rounds on Fridays and her emergency call is $$$. The vet said he should be able to do an exam and either antibiotics or euthanasia for that amount. I have a stump at home that would work for that but I suppose since I'm hauling him into town they'll want to do it with the shot. Hopefully, it's not as bad as I think it is.

He IS crowing. Is that a good sign?

Also, his comb was standing up straight before this happened. Does it mean anything that now it's flopping over a little?

Next time, we should be able to make the call more easily.



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The vet only charged $67! Very nice vet. She taught me how to clean his wound, did a complete exam and applied Silvadene paste to the worst spots. She only charged for the Silvadene and the exam. Wound cleaning and instruction were free. He's a bit dehydrated from blood loss causing a floppy comb.

He'll get a nightly bath on his ouchy and silvadene. He has food, water and Pedialyte in his dog crate. Oh, and he's in our house. The vet said maggots from flies are his worst enemy so she suggested we keep him inside.
His cage is behind me while I type. He just crowed.
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My son just saw the picture of Peter and started reading the post. He's very sad that you lost 2 of your hens. And said to tell you that we have a Roo named Pete.
We have red tailed hawks and also a Bald Eagle here. Our flock wasn't allowed out until we got our framed wire roof on the run. We let them out of it for grass but have a system of 10 at a time and rotate them in and out so the neighbors bird dog and other predators can't get them but only when we are out there with them. I have seen the hawks flying over circling many times. The chickens huddle near the coop when we hear their screeches.

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