Training chickens to go in at night...

Wait until it gets darker ad a light source to guide there way, a flash light works or just enough light so it isn't dark in the coop. They want to get as high as they can to roost at night so if you have perches that are higher than their coop is you might want to lower them. And get a bigger coop. I never feed in the run due to predators. You are attracting predators to your run by leaving food out there. Water and food is inside my coop. Be patient. They will find their way. How many chickens are going into how much space? Is your coop big enough for them to roost in? They need to snuggle in winter but need space in summer when it is hot out.
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We put our 3 week Olds in their coop for about 2 weeks before letting them out into the run. 1st day we had to round them all up for the night. 2nd day they all gathered on the ramp and then went in all by themselves!!! I think it helped that they were in the coop 1st for ahwile..
I trained mine with meal worms and would clap my hands and then feed the worms in the coop. I can go out anytime of the day and clap my hands and they run to the coop. I have 35 that are 6 weeks old. They are all in at dusk and on the roost poles with no light.
My chickens figured it out very fast on the second night they were in by themselves. I try placing them in one at a time through the front door. They figured it out after that. It was very impressive. How old are they sometimes that impacts how fast they go in. Also put them in later then so they associate the dark with going in the coop.
Just keep on catching them and putting them in the coop in the evening every day until they get it. Mine got the idea in 2 days. But I've heard of chickens getting it after a month. It depends, but it'll work, chickens are smarter than many people think.
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If you leave them outside for a minute or so, they would probably go in on their own. My chickens, at like approximately 9:00 pm, they always come and peck at my yard glass door. I think they're saying that were back! Let us inside! But I built a little place of safety under a little ledge where they can stay. They always go there when I don't need them to let them inside. Well, my bigger chicken which is going to be 1 year old next month, she always go and sleep on the taller spot and steal there sleeping place. So my suggestion is to leave them alone and wait for them to get inside.
I recently put my chicks in their grow out coop/run. I had the same problem until I put their brooder light in the coop. It's been cold at night so they needed the light for a few nights and now go in on their own without the light. You could turn the light on until they get in and the door is shut then turn the light off if it's warm enough. Good luck and have fun! :)
I am a real beginner at this as my 11 girls are about 11 weeks old. I put them in the coop by 8 weeks old. The first night I left a light on (a screw in florescent bulb) in the coop with the door open and 9 of the 11 came in at dusk. I picked the other two up and set them on the ramp and they walked in. The next night all 11 were inside by dark with the light on again (which I turned out when all were counted). They have been coming in all on their own with no problem every night with no light. I have 3 buff Orps, 2 golden wyandotts, 2 australorps (my favorites who like to ride on my shoulders as I walk around), 2 leghorns and 2 jersey giants.
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I have the exact same coop as you. I was also having a really hard time catching my chickens from the part of the run that was under the coop & decided to just leave the coop door open & let them go inside when they are ready. Mine free range all day, then I heard them all back into the run at night & close the door. They usually aren't quite ready for bed when I call them in, so they will eat, drink & dust bathe in the run until they are ready. They always make their way back up the ladder & into the saftey of the coop on their own every night. I think as long as they know that the coop/run is home that they will be fine.
I don't know if it's an option for you, but if you really want them locked into the coop part, maybe you could go back out later in the evening after you've put them in the run & shut the coop door once they go in themselves.

Good luck & hope your enjoying keeping chickens! This is our first time as well

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