Training chicks/chickens


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 5, 2012
Hi all!

I'm new to chickens, we'll be picking up 4 one week old chicks this Saturday so I'm getting excited!

I am a fairly experienced dog trainer and I am very interested in reading more about clicker training chickens. I've watched some great youtube videos and done some googling but I'm wondering if anyone can recommend some books or articles that go in depth (most of the stuff I've seen does not really talk about technique) on clicker training chickens? I'd love to teach them some cute tricks, and it would be a great way for me to work on my timing. If not, I'm sure I can figure it out myself but I'd love to read more from people who have experience with it.

Thanks in advance!
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Hi!! I am an animal trainer at our zoo and have considered clicker training our chickens as well. My 9 year-old daughter started training them to the clicker for a science project a few months ago, but she gave it up after a couple weeks (we have a BR that can get a little pushy and she was making my daughter too nervous). Of our 3 hens, two picked up on the bridge/clicker relatively quickly. Sorry I can't tell you what books out there are the best, but I love anything by Karen Pryor when it comes to operant conditioning. Some day when I have extra time, I would love to continue my daughter's project just to see how much I could teach them! Good luck!

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