Training tips for dogs?

I actually did see him do that very thing with a baby bird once that had fallen out of its nest....they were nose to beak, was sooo sweet. I probably just found him in the nick of could have been the second picture in another heartbeat. hes a good dog but hes still a terrier..that I understand.
i onces saw in the dog wisperer if you introduce the chicks and set them as yours inside your boundaries that eventualy he will loose interest, i tried this with my german shepard and she lost a lot of interest in chicks but i still dont leave them together alone, but i also had a rottweiler rescue that ¨played as toy¨ with four little ducklins i tried the same with her and she snaped a bitte at a animal in a second i tried this before the accident
after the accident i gave the rot away to my farm gardian but i think yesterday he scaped and ate 2 of my favorite chicks
thank God you have a small dog try also to hold a chick inyour hands and lap and let the dog smell them but not play with them reprending them with a sound with repetition it works!! my mother inlaw has a chow chow that sleeps with the chicks andloves them

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