Transgender duck??

@casportpony do you know anything about this what it’s called? I tried looking on line an didn’t find any info.

move done a bit of reading up on this now, and apparently 1 in every 10,000 ducks have the possibility to change genders. As long as Ainsley seems fine, I’m happy with whatever they want to identify as 🥰 Thankyou everyone for all your help!
I have a duck (Ainsley - a Welsh Harlequin) who was born a female, laying eggs and perfectly happy. She suddenly stopped laying eggs and went through a moult, where she developed drake colouring and a curly tail feather. She does not lay eggs anymore, but still has a loud quack. I was wondering if she could possibly be transitioning (if at all possible in ducks??). Any help or shared experiences would be much appreciated. Below are before and after photos.
Meet peep !! (peeper) he was born a girl and turned into a boy before he even started to lay, but now a year later some of his first moulting he’s changing back to female right now !!


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Ducks have two ovaries but only one of them functions as an egg producer.

If the functioning ovary gets damaged, the duck will revert to male.

I have a duck that was either mis-sexed or reverted.
it still doesn't mean the duck has transformed into a male. A woman can have a hysterectomy and have her ovaries removed... that does not make her a man.
If the duck was truly a girl to begin with and not mistaken, it may have more male characteristics due to the lack of hormones.
That doesn't mean it is going to grow an appendage and become a drake.
it still doesn't mean the duck has transformed into a male. A woman can have a hysterectomy and have her ovaries removed... that does not make her a man.
If the duck was truly a girl to begin with and not mistaken, it may have more male characteristics due to the lack of hormones.
That doesn't mean it is going to grow an appendage and become a drake.
When a woman delivers eggs through her butt we can resume this discussion.

Your understanding of research and logic will need to improve also.
When a woman delivers eggs through her butt we can resume this discussion.

Your understanding of research and logic will need to improve also.
There is "research" out there that says a drake looses it's penis each year and regrows a new one too.. but I have yet to find a duck dangle at the bottom of the swimming pool. Mine use their corkscrews year round.

Until I see duck that has proven female and laid eggs grow a corkscrew and become fertile, or a drake loose a corkscrew and start laying eggs I just cannot believe in the gender changing duck. Sorry.

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