Transitioning chicks to hen house for bed time


Jun 9, 2021
Do you leave food and water in your coop overnight for a period of time while the chicks get used to being out there?

They’ve had food and water overnight in their brooder since I brought them home. I am about to officially evict them. They are 6-ish weeks old and almost fully feathered, and I think it’s warm overnight, I live in Texas and it is about 70-74 at night right now. Right now, they have been spending their days in the run and I bring them back to the brooder for bedtime. They stopped using the heat lamp. They don’t fly much and do not know how to roost yet.

Would you leave their food and water in the coop overnight? I don’t want to stress them anymore than I have to with the move.
Would you leave their food and water in the coop overnight? I don’t want to stress them anymore than I have to with the move.
They don't need food or water in the dark. So if you're putting them to bed at dusk, and getting up to let them out around daylight, I think you can skip having food and water in the coop. Less stuff to make a mess or attract rodents or other pests.
Once my chicks are out of the brooder (4 weeks old, mid 40s F) they have no access to food or water at night, same as my adults. You really don't need to be bringing them inside anymore.

They can jump/fly to a roost at this age but chicks that roost earlier learn it from adults. Up to you if you want to teach them to roost or leave them to figure it out on their own.

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