Transitioning feed

Jun 15, 2022
Grand Gorge, NY
Hi all,

I’ve read a bunch about when to transition from starter/grower to layer feed but everything I’ve read has been somewhat different so I wanted to see what you guys do. Do you give starter/grower up until they start laying or do you switch over to layer at a specific age? Also is it worth spend the extra few dollars for the more expensive types of feed?

Thank you!!
I don't feed layer I feed flock raiser by Purina with oyster shell on the side. And yes it is worth it think you are going to eat what comes out of them AKA eggs and they are what they eat. Layer feed only meets bare minimum nutritional requirements but flock raiser is much better keeps my birds in tip top condition and if you have a rooster or any non laying bird it's much better for them.
I don't feed layer I feed flock raiser by Purina with oyster shell on the side. And yes it is worth it think you are going to eat what comes out of them AKA eggs and they are what they eat. Layer feed only meets bare minimum nutritional requirements but flock raiser is much better keeps my birds in tip top condition and if you have a rooster or any non laying bird it's much better for them.
Thank you!! This may be a dumb question but I’m new so I’m just trying to utilize all the resources available, but will that make them “overweight”? And I have been buying the best feed and will continue to do so!
I prefer to not give my laying birds the choice of eating oyster shell on the side so my birds get a layer type feed.
It will not hurt hens to put them on layer feed a few weeks before they start laying eggs... It's actually better to start them on the layer feed a few weeks before.

Not all hens eat oyster shell on the side. There are actually quite a few threads in the emergency section that show What complications can arise by them not getting enough calcium.
Thank you!! This may be a dumb question but I’m new so I’m just trying to utilize all the resources available, but will that make them “overweight”? And I have been buying the best feed and will continue to do so!
Treats, scraps, bread, meal worms and too high of a protein feed fed regularly...make them overweight.
Thank you!! This may be a dumb question but I’m new so I’m just trying to utilize all the resources available, but will that make them “overweight”? And I have been buying the best feed and will continue to do so!
A little Higher protein and nutrition won't make them overweight but too much scratch and treats will I spoil but in moderation I want them to be as healthy as possible

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