Translucent Chicken coop

I cant really contribute much of anything useful because when I first read the title of the post I read it as "Translucent Chicken Soup." I must admit that I was just a little disappointed when I discovered its true nature.


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I thought it was cool looking, my first thought about any animal housing living as I do in Oklahoma is wind and hail.
call me a stick in the mud
but it looks to be more decorative than utilitarian. the chickens suffer so the humans can feel good about themselves.
I think it needs more ventilation. Also how HOT would it get on a summers day with full sun from dawn to dusk. Last place I would want my birds roosting at night.
I cant really contribute much of anything useful because when I first read the title of the post I read it as "Translucent Chicken Soup." I must admit that I was just a little disappointed when I discovered its true nature.

Yeah, it doesn't look like the most functional coop, but, still, it looks awesome

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