June 4th-10th (exact dates are not set, can be negotiated based on your need) My husband will be making a trip from our home all the way down I-5 to our friends farm. he will not be traveling off of I-5 so if you'd like transportation please be willing to meet a few miles off of I-5. My husband has good sound goat experience, is very caring and doting with the goats; He was a professional horse hauler for a few years and has a clean driving record. Kids will be traveling inside the explorer so they will be air conditioned and under 24 hr survelience. Bottle feeding can be arranged at no added fee. We did this last year and plan to continue doing this at least once a year, we hauled a few animals from the Santa Rosa goat convention in 08 up to Canada for a few well known breeders who you can contact for references, request their info through PM or email for further info [email protected]. We are also willing to haul animals in exchange for goats, a few breeders are taking advantage of this and offering free transportation to their customers in Wa, Or or Ca as insentive to sell kids this year. We are open to other trades.
Starting point: Blaine WA 98230 (Candian Border)
Destination: Campo, CA 91906 (Mexican Border)
Cost: $200 per adult animal, $100 per kid
Health: All animals are from clean respectable herd and have health certificates.
Date: The first week(s) of June, exact date not set
Mind you we're doing this with goats, but will pick up and drop off chicks, grown birds or eggs along the way. I can't fathom coming up with a price for chickens so I'd preffer we just trade for chicks or grown birds... So if you need chickens/eggs picked up or dropped off along the way and are willing to give us some birds in exchange let me know!
Starting point: Blaine WA 98230 (Candian Border)
Destination: Campo, CA 91906 (Mexican Border)
Cost: $200 per adult animal, $100 per kid
Health: All animals are from clean respectable herd and have health certificates.
Date: The first week(s) of June, exact date not set
Mind you we're doing this with goats, but will pick up and drop off chicks, grown birds or eggs along the way. I can't fathom coming up with a price for chickens so I'd preffer we just trade for chicks or grown birds... So if you need chickens/eggs picked up or dropped off along the way and are willing to give us some birds in exchange let me know!