Transporting chickens to Mexico.

I have a patient that has a farm in Laveen and a ranch in Mexico. He transports lots of animals back and forth.

But anymore he says he mostly takes hatching eggs there and has his workers get it done there.
If they ask you at the border, and you don't declare them, then get caught, then you could be arrested.
If they ask you at the border, and you DO declare them, they are probably going to send you back.
If you cross somewhere that doesn't have a formal crossing, as someone has indicated is the case in some places, then get stopped...well, who knows. I guess you'll find out.
It may depend on who stops you.

Personally? There is no way I'd try to smuggle animals -- or anything else-- across an international border.

If you violate the law on this, you ARE smuggling. You may get by with it, but it is still smuggling. Most countries don't really care for smugglers very much.
Well, as I said before, I am going to attempt to get some health certificates for them. IF I am not able to do that, then at that point I will just try and cross. You don't normally declare anything when crossing the border going into Mexico, or at least I have never had to. But I have only walked and flown across in the past five years. When I flew across, I don't recall declaring anything. Now, the upside to me entering Mexico is that the van I will be driving has Mexican plates. It seems like that will help me somewhat...better than driving a car with Tennessee plates I suppose.
Just so you know...not trying to persuade you to do one thing or another.

"Customs is the last step, here you will need to have your Customs Declaration Form handy (the other form you were given on the plane/ship). Mexico has adopted a "Red Light - Green Light" system for customs. If you have put "Nothing to declare" on this form, you will be asked to push a button....... If the light is green you can exit without inspection; if the light is red you will be subject to inspection. This is a random system, and therefore there is no way to know whether you will get a green or red light. Consequently you need to be honest on your Customs Declaration and declare anything over and above what is allowed, paying all applicable duties. If you do not, and are caught by a red light, the fines may be very steep. One note, Mexican customs officials may assume you know about the "Red Light - Green Light" system and not say a word. No problem, step up & push the button.

Entering By Land
All of the above applies to those who enter by land. Other than picking up your Tourist Visa/Card and having the proper identification, the only difference is the "green light - red light" system. If you are driving, the lights will be in the lane you cross in. Look for yours and if it's green, then drive away. If it's red (and there should be a bell or buzzer sounding) then you need to pull over to the Customs (you'll be pointed in the direction by an officer) area for an inspection.

Same process for those of you walking in to Mexico. More than likely you will be directed to push the button on a solitary "stoplight" with the same system as other entries. Some busy border crossings like Tijuana and Ciudad Juarez may not have you push the button unless you have packages. It's the Customs officials decision. These borders are so busy with tourists and locals crossing back and forth that it would be almost impossible to have everyone do this so they will randomly select people to push the button."

Have you already gone through a formal process to apply for a temporary resident visa or begun a process to permanently immigrate to Mexico? I'm not sure what that would involve. I know that we always had to have a tourist visa card, but I'm not sure how long that's actually good for.
Hey, that is great information! Thanks a lot! You know, I just flew back and forth a couple of times and I now know what I was pushing that button for. I did declare things so I had to be inspected, but I recall pressing the button a few times. I didn't know that's what it was for. My first route is definitely going to be getting the health certificates for the chickens. If I am unable, which I don't think I will be, then I will declare them and try to drive through. If they let me pass then I am fine, if they say no then all they'll do is turn me around. Wonder if I can slip a hundred in with that declaration paper and go right through???
Nah, I'll try and do it the right way. And to answer your last question, no I haven't. I know one of the mayors (presidente) in BCS that is going to help me with attaining dual citizenship, so I haven't begun to get a visa yet. I think now is a good time to start looking into that. Thanks a lot!
I know this thread is ancient, but Coreyboy18--did you ever make it into Mexico with your chickens? I want to take my flock with me too....
Looks like that member hasnt been on the site for over 4 years now.

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