Treat Question


12 Years
Jan 21, 2011
I see everyone saying cooked pasta, but can it be whole grain pasta? Thats all I have. I can buy regular though. Also how old do they have to be to eat oatmeal. My older chickens love it!!
I cooked it for them. They loved it when it was cold out. They really loved the raisins when I put them in.
Im new to chickens as well and I have baby RIR's that I have already given raw oatmeal to. I've done ALOT of research and havent seen anything in regards to an age limit on treats. they seemed to have handled it fine.
The only thing I have to add is that if you're feeding your babies treats, you should also be giving them grit. They even have chick grit at most feed stores.
It just helps to aid with digestion. I mix it in with my feed but you can also offer it on the side and they'll eat it. Sometimes I trick them and feed it to them right out of my hand
I made scrambled eggs for the first time last week. We had some sick chicks arrive and I was trying anything. They wouldnt eat them so I offered them up to the older babies, and they went crazy. Some of them would even take it out of my hand!

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