Tree sap gathering and syrup making


You can see they aren’t going to be great days either.
Looking good throughout the weekend, then not so much.
Yep, looks like Saturday or Sunday will be your end too.

It’s been a poor season here. One guy that taps 450 trees has gotten only 30 gallons and he bought a new arch thinking he would get rich expanding to that many trees.

The sun just came out, that should help us.
Lots of sap yesterday, I got caught sort of flat Footed.

The season started so abruptly I did not have my totes set up. Then the season was so poor I did not need them. I have been thinking they would end any day so I never bothered.

Yesterday, I needed to totes. But I had placed one in service to save pure water from the RO.

The other one needs major cleaning.

So I filled my barrels, extra buckets and left any bucket under half full on the tree.

Today I am boiling.

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