Trick to carrying duck so you don't get scratched?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 3, 2014
las vegas, nv


I have 2 ducks, one can be carried around no problem, the other kicks her feet like crazy and those little toes are SHARP. Is there a trick to carrying her so she will stay calm and not rip my arm to shreds?

And a couple pictures of them because they're too cute not to share ;)
My buff duckling is the best there is at being carried. She just hangs there, feet dangling, head up. My mallard is kicking and flapping her itty bitty winglets.

I just point feet away from me. If carrying just one, I will put my hand under their feet so they feet have pressure on them.


I have 2 ducks, one can be carried around no problem, the other kicks her feet like crazy and those little toes are SHARP. Is there a trick to carrying her so she will stay calm and not rip my arm to shreds?

And a couple pictures of them because they're too cute not to share ;)
what breed is the 1st one :)
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My buff duckling is the best there is at being carried. She just hangs there, feet dangling, head up. My mallard is kicking and flapping her itty bitty winglets.

I just point feet away from me. If carrying just one, I will put my hand under their feet so they feet have pressure on them.

Funny mine are the opposite my Rouen/mallard (don't know which yet, and I'm getting conflicting opinions) is perfect and my buff is the spaz lol I will have to just start pointing feet away, I try supporting her feet and it seems to almost make it worse.

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