Tricked into selling eggs to a 'government official'


11 Years
Jun 15, 2008
Omaha, Nebraska
It seems that someone in our city has been trying to trick backyard chicken owners into selling eggs to him using the terms "don't you remember me? I've bought eggs from you before"...etc. Come to find out it was someone from the EPA wanting to "check eggs for lead". I think if someone has to use trickery to obtain eggs for research, their motives are usually less than innocent........ Someone broke into my coop a couple of weeks ago......nothing was taken that I know of....but the cars, garage and carport were all untouched.....weird.......

Maybe some paranoid fear of bird flu. If the government had a fear of an outbreak of it here and they wanted to check things out without causing a panic, this might be one way to do it. There is not one aspect of our lives too small for the government to be interested in.

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