Tricky Easter Egger Sexing


May 14, 2015
Gainesville, Fl
Hello all! I got these guys from a feed store selling them as "Aracauna Pullets" - I knew they were EEs and doubted the probability that they were pullets. On day 1 they were much feistier than previous chicks I've raised, and two of them started to gang up on the 3rd (Stegasaurus.) At 5 weeks I had to cull Steg because the others pulled the skin off of its whole leg (maybe I shouldn't have named them after dinosaurs!?) The two that are left now are 9 weeks old. The creamy one is Triceratops and the dark one is TRex. I am still unsure whether they are pullets or roos since they have kind of uncharacteristic coloration and they seem to have straight combs, not pea- but on this too I am uncertain because I haven't much experience. Thanks in advance for your assistance!




Thanks. I am afraid that might be a possibility, since it's comb is getting bigger and redder than the other. However it does have saddle feathers in already- and so far the tips of them are rounded.

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