Tried new feed


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 18, 2008
hi , I learned of my local feed store selling feed cheaper than the tractor supply, so I sent the hubby he asked for laying feed He brings it home I open it to have corn in it ?here is the following list of nutrients : crude protein min- 8.50% ,crude fat min-2.50%, Crude Fiber max - 6.50%
ingredients : cracked corn , wheat, milo, soy oil

says scratch grains may be fed after chicks are 4 weeks of age , may be gradually increased up to one half of daily feed consumption after the birds are 12 weeks

I greatly appreciate any response back on this , I am getting the idea that it is only a supplement not a full food product . oh and it has lots of whole corn pices in it ????
Thanks, Mindy
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That is scratch, not regular feed. Save it to train them to come when you call them. I never feed scratch to chicks under 12 weeks old or so. It lowers their protein content dramatically if they eat too much. You need layer pellets or crumble and the protein will be about 15-16%. Mine only get scratch first thing in the a.m. and to call them back from freeranging by shaking the can and my usual scratch is 11-grain/13% protein. Yours with that protein level is mostly corn, I'd think.
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I know what you mean. We try to save money and end up spending more. Feedstore personnel are notorious for giving incorrect information, so never listen to them! We have to know what our birds need and tell them what to get for us. If you ask, you'll probably get the wrong answer.

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