Trouble introducing new birds


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 27, 2014
I was curious if anybody had any suggestions on introducing a new group of chickens to my existing flock? I have around 20 chickens in my existing flock mostly bantams and a couple months ago picked up 2 pairs of silver sebrights, 2 pairs of golden sebrights and a oe Banty roo. Problem is I quarantined them in my garage in cages for a couple months. Now I let them out to free range with the others during the day and they act as 2 separate flocks. At night I can't get the new chickens to go to the coup with the rest of the flock. They all come back to the garage and roost on my standup freezer. Any ideas how I can get the new ones to join the others in the coup? I would like to get them outta my garage. Lol
I have tried taking them out and putting them in the coop at night a couple times, but they still wanna go back to the garage.
Chickens are creatures of habit. Once they decide they have a schedule, they are determined to stick to it. To get them to switch to thinking that the coop, rather than the garage, is their home, you will probably have to physically take them to the coop at night and shut them in there. Then let everyone out of the coop in the morning.
It can take a few days or a week or so, but eventually if you do this every evening, they will get in the habit of waking up in the coop and realize that is their home.
When I first started my flock I only had 5 ladies. I had a little coop for them on my porch which they would go to by themselves at bedtime. Once I expanded, they had to learn to go to a new coop. I would say it took me less than 2 weeks to "retrain" them. Consistency is key when retraining chickens, but as long as you keep doing it every night, it should not take long before they forget the garage completely. Good luck!

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