Trouble with assisted call duckling


Call Duck obsessed! 🦆💕
Mar 14, 2020
Hello all. I hatch call ducklings frequently. I am having an issue with my current assist. This is a call duckling. It internally pipped 36 hours ago and I gave it a safety hole around 12 hours ago. Yesterday night I started to remove the air cell around the safety hole. It’s not ready to come out yet as I can still see unabsorbed yolk. I have left it be to absorb. I notice that the poor little baby’s eye is very cloudy. I put a little bit of water on its eye and I’ll put terrimycin on it once the baby is hatched. This little babe is also very sticky with an amber fluid. I have seen this in one of my other ducklings but not to this extent. Is there anything else I can do in the meantime? It’s eye just looks very red, cloudy, and irritated, whereas it was not yesterday. I did take a q tip with warm water and try to get some of the sticky goo off. :hmm
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Based on the photos, it's possible that the eye is merely irritated, but there could also be some kind of congenital problem (of course, it's difficult to tell at this point).

Something lubricating, like Vetericyn Ophthalmic Gel or a little coconut oil, may help soothe its eye until it hatches and you can more thoroughly assess what's going on with it. I'd avoid using tap water because the chlorine is irritating...saline would be more comfortable for an eye wash.

Best of luck to your little fighter!
Based on the photos, it's possible that the eye is merely irritated, but there could also be some kind of congenital problem (of course, it's difficult to tell at this point).

Something lubricating, like Vetericyn Ophthalmic Gel or a little coconut oil, may help soothe its eye until it hatches and you can more thoroughly assess what's going on with it. I'd avoid using tap water because the chlorine is irritating...saline would be more comfortable for an eye wash.

Best of luck to your little fighter!
I honestly think you're doing everything you can. Id have done the same things. Update us after hatch. It will be much easier to sort out eye issues then.

Cute little feller. Hope he finishes hatching with zero problems.
Thanks both of you! I appreciate the advice! I did go ahead and dab a little bit of terrimycin on its eye. I’m hoping this little sweetie will pull through and hatch without issues. I will definitely update after hatch! :D
Never mind he pulled himself away. No more bleeding. Won’t use one leg as of now. I have him back in the cup
Like mare said..
I don't think a little iodine or betadine would hurt.
Unfortunately I have not had good luck saving ones that have a lot of it that Amber fluid in them or ones who end up with that stumpy looking piece of yolk still sticking out. 😔
I would just have some iodine or betadine on there to try and keep it from getting infected and keep it on something soft and clean for the first 24 hours and hope for the best that stuff will dry up and fall off.

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